Invisalign Clear Braces For Teens
Invisalign technology is designed to make orthodontia accessible to everyone, including teens. The teenage years are an ideal time to straighten your teeth; your teen’s permanent teeth have finished growing in and all orthodontic issues can be addressed before your child enters the adult world.
What Will My Friends Say?
There’s a good chance that your teen’s friends won’t say anything about your Invisalign clear aligners, because it’s likely that they won’t even know that you are wearing them. Unlike traditional braces, Invisalign aligners resemble a retainer that has a clear, near-transparent appearance. Even if friends do notice your Invisalign aligners, they aren’t likely to say much, as nowadays orthodontic work has become more mainstream than ever before.
Will I Still Look Cool And Be Able To Do Everything I Want?
With Invisalign it’s possible to maintain your same routine with school, performances, eating, and pretty much just about every other thing you can think of. However, you must commit to wearing your aligners for 22 hours day and night so that you get the results that you want.
You also want your teeth to be clean after meals so that what you eat doesn’t remain on your teeth while you are wearing your retainers. It’s also essential to maintain a proper oral health routine throughout the duration of your treatment.
Benefits of Invisalign Clear Aligners
Keep Playing The Game
Athletes that wear traditional braces usually have to wear a mouthguard (especially in contact sports) to prevent gashes or scrapes on the inside of their mouths when they are competing. With Invisalign, your athlete won’t have to deal with these complications. All that they have to do is remove their aligners before competition or practice.
If your teenager is in theater, they don’t need to worry about acting in front of an audience with visible metal braces. They can deliver their lines without the crowd even noticing that they are undergoing orthodontic treatment.
Eat What You Want
We have all heard stories of people breaking a bracket or dislodging a wire because they ate something that damaged their braces. Fortunately, Invisalign clear aligners can be removed while eating or snacking, so you don’t have to worry about giving up your favorite food or chewy candy.
Don’t Lose Your Confidence
As a teenager, perception is everything. Few teens want to show up to school with braces around their friends. This puts you in a difficult situation because you want to set your kid up for success with an amazing smile but don’t want them to attract negative attention from their peers.
Invisalign aligners solve this problem because they are clear and discreet. Unlike traditional braces, they don’t draw unnecessary attention to themselves. This will help your teenager feel more confident in social situations and appreciate their retainers more.

Stay Chill
As long as you wear your Invisalign clear aligners for 22 hours a day, you can pretty much do everything else that you want. What’s not to like?
Fast Track Your Smile With Acceleration
Invisalign treatment can be sped up through a special process known as acceleration. We can discuss whether you are a good candidate for acceleration during your consultation.
Get Your Teeth Straightened Over the Summer: Go Back to School With a Confident, Beautiful, Straight Smile!
Many patients that wear Invisalign clear aligners finish treatment in just a few months. Depending on your smile, you can finish school and come back from summer vacation with a brand new smile.
How Do Invisalign Braces Work?
Invisalign has been the market leader in creating clear braces technology for a decade. They have a proven track record of creating millions of beautifully aligned smiles, and you can be one of them. We use Invisalign because we want our patients to have the best orthodontic treatment with the fastest results possible.
Invisalign clear aligners are a series of customized trays created by taking digital scans of your teeth. You will wear each series of aligners for 22 hours a day, gradually shifting your teeth into an aligned position. Once you are finished with each set of aligners you will have a beautifully straight smile and a perfectly aligned bite.
Call Us Today for a FREE Invisalign Consultation
We offer free consultations because we want to provide excellent customer service and help you decide if Invisalign is right for your teen. A consultation is the perfect setting for Dr. Cardon to personally show you what Invisalign is capable of and answer any questions. Call our office to schedule your appointment today!