Technology has come a long way in only the past couple of years, putting more cumbersome, traditional methods to rest. Clocktower Family Dental employs the use of laser technology to assist in the deep cleaning process, giving you a safer, gentler procedure that allows for faster recovery times and less discomfort!
We offer laser treatments for a lot of different services, so be sure to check that out!
What Are LAPT and TLPT?
LAPT is short for Laser-Assisted Periodontal Therapy, and TLPT is short for Twinlight Laser Periodontal Therapy. Both of these procedures make use of advanced laser technology to help target the problem without affecting the surrounding, healthy tissue.
Laser-Assisted Periodontal Therapy (LAPT)
For moderate to severe cases of periodontal disease, LAPT utilizes laser technology and water in order to target and destroy diseased tissue and bacteria. This method is less invasive than traditional tools and allows for faster recovery time with less postoperative discomfort.
Twinlight Laser Periodontal Therapy (TLPT)
For those who have deep gum disease that reaches down towards the tooth’s root, TLPT is also a way to treat gum disease by removing damaged or diseased tissue from between the gums and teeth. This allows the gums to reattach to the teeth.
Benefits of LAPT and TLPT
Traditional methods of gum disease treatment involve the use of hand tools to remove the pockets of disease and bacteria, and while this avenue accomplishes the same goal, it’s nowhere near as effective or precise as LAPT and TLPT.
Further benefits of laser-assisted technology are:
- Less pain.
- Less bleeding.
- No cuts/sutures.
- Less swelling.
- Less sensitivity.
- Faster recovery.
- Less risk of infection.
Lasers have made dentistry faster, safer, and more accurate. If you need treatment for gum disease or other periodontal conditions, laser dentistry is the way to go!
Why LAPT or TLPT Instead of Traditional Surgery or Deep Cleaning?
For those hesitant about dental procedures, laser-assisted technology gives you all the benefits of an in-depth cleaning procedure without the same pain, discomfort, and longer recovery time of traditional methods.
Little to No Pain or Discomfort
LAPT and TLPT are safe, effective treatments that sterilize the area as they move, preserving healthy tissue and safeguarding affected areas from reinfection. There is also little need for dental anesthetic in most cases, which is perfect for those who suffer from dental anxieties! Lasers are much more gentle than traditional treatments.
Fewer Appointments
Unlike traditional methods, LAPT and TLPT require fewer visits to our offices in order to treat your periodontal or gum disease. On average, the procedure can be completed in two visits or less, along with a check-up to track your healing process. Traditionally, it would take four sessions with subsequent visits in order to treat the disease.
Fewer Medical Restrictions
LAPT and TLPT are safe for those who need to take medications to treat other health concerns, such as blood thinners. This method actively seals and guards the treated areas as it is applied, which means no need for sutures! We recommend this procedure for tobacco users as well, for the laser-assisted treatment prevents gum recession.
No Need for Drilling
You don’t have to suffer the obnoxious whine, vibration, or pressure of a traditional drill for your treatment session. All it takes is a little eye protection against the brightness of the laser. The laser is much more accurate, quiet, and faster than traditional tools so you can have a much more comfortable experience both in and out of our office.
Are LAPT and TLPT Painful?
LAPT and TLPT are much less painful than traditional methods. Higher accuracy means less discomfort and less recovery time! There are no cuts or sutures involved in this process, and only damaged/diseased tissue and bacteria are removed.
Laser dentistry also makes the recovery process less painful! You can heal from your gum disease treatment faster and experience less pain than a traditional gum disease treatment would give you.
Schedule an Appointment With Our Amazing Dental Team Today
For better gum disease treatment in castle rock, ask us about LAPT. If you’re looking for better treatment options for you and your family that provide all the benefits of advanced technology with minimal discomfort, schedule an appointment with us!