iTero Digital Scanners
Do you remember getting a mold taken of your teeth with traditional impression material? Not only did it make you gag, but it was also slimy, messy, and left a weird taste in your mouth. With iTero digital scanner technology, we can accurately take a mold of your teeth in less time and without all the fuss of traditional impressions.
Scanning your teeth with iTero means less mess and more accuracy and precision. The iTero scanner utilizes NIRI technology which may allow us to screen for dental problems, including cavities, without x-rays.
iTero is also the recommended scanner for Invisalign aligners. Ever wonder what you would look like with straight teeth? Schedule your FREE Invisalign consult and we’ll show you with iTero’s Invisalign outcome simulator!
Same-Day Crowns With CEREC Prime Scan and Mill
Since the 1980s, CEREC has been the pioneer of same-day crown technology. CEREC Prime Scan and Prime Mill have revolutionized the accuracy and fabrication speed of crowns, inlays, and onlays. You can be confident that your needed crown will be done the same day with the best materials in the comfort and convenience of our office. No more waiting days or weeks, and no more worry of lost temporaries!
Other Technologies We Proudly Provide for Your Service
- Soft and Hard Tissue Lasers
- Planmeca Cone Beam Digital 3D X-Ray
- Single Tooth Numbing
- Enhanced Safety Standards
- Sterisil Water Treatment