Invisalign® Braces: Why You Should Not Use Mail-Order Aligners
Due to the popularity of Invisalign, there are plenty of companies that have sprung up over the last several years that promise to quickly straighten your teeth. These companies offer low monthly costs and are usually shipped to you through the mail.
However, you should be wary of these mail-order aligners because there can be significant problems with these treatments as we will discuss on this page.
You May Need to Pay Separate for X-Rays, Scans, or Impressions
Invisalign treatment at Clocktower Family Dental is all-inclusive! Any impressions, scans, and professional advice from Dr. Cardon are included. This may not be the case with mail-order aligners.
With mail-order aligners, there might be unforeseen hidden costs like this that add up over time and cause the treatment to be much more expensive than you envisioned. With Invisalign clear aligners, you can have the confidence of knowing that you’ll just pay one flat price.
You Can NOT Get Orthodontic Acceleration
Orthodontic acceleration has to be approved and overseen by a qualified dentist like Dr. Cardon. Mail-order aligners don’t come with this benefit, so your treatment might be longer than if acceleration was an option.
The Impressions May Be Faulty
Certain mail-order aligner companies make you take your own impression of your teeth or have an employee without the proper level of dental training take them. Your treatment is based on your impressions, so if your impressions start out faulty, your teeth might shift in directions that they aren’t supposed to.
Clear Braces May Not Work For Everyone
Every potential Invisalign candidate undergoes a thorough dental examination before treatment. You need to remember that any orthodontic procedure is medical in nature. If your mouth isn’t prepared for orthodontic work (i.e. you have another procedure that needs to be performed such as tooth removal or a root canal), clear aligners can aggravate those existing problems or create new problems.
It’s important that you visit a qualified dentist such as Dr. Cardon before any orthodontic work so that he can make sure that you are prepared for treatment. Don’t sacrifice the long-term health of your smile just to save some money with mail-order aligners.

Your Treatment Is Not Properly Adjusted
With Invisalign treatment, you will periodically come into our office to make sure that your aligners are moving your teeth in the proper direction. By coming in, Dr. Cardon can make sure that your teeth alignment is working how it should be, and he can adjust the treatment as needed. Mail-order aligners don’t come with the same level of oversight and aren’t adjusted as needed.
Mail-Order Technology Is Usually Outdated.
Invisalign is always investing in the latest research and technology to straighten your teeth. Mail-order companies typically use lower-cost materials that aren’t as effective.
Mail-Order Could End Up Costing You More
Because mail-order aligners do not come with the same professional supervision as Invisalign, this can alter the intended results. For example, instead of correcting your bite, the aligners could move your teeth more out of alignment, and then you will have to spend more money to correct the mistake.
Can Mail-Order Aligners Mess Up My Bite?
The Better Business Bureau (BBB) has received numerous reports of ail-order companies messing up patients’ bites by not properly shifting their teeth or using faulty impressions. Any patient that chooses mail-order aligners runs the risk of their bite shifting out of alignment.
Are You Ready For a Stunning Smile?
Invisalign might cost a little bit more than mail-order aligners, but Invisalign treatment is an investment that will transform your smile for your entire life. Once you are done with your treatment, you will have the beautiful smile that you always imagined.
Call Today To Schedule Your FREE Consultation Right Now.
Clocktower Family Dental offers free Invisalign consultations because we want to personally show you how we can transform your smile. We will answer any questions that you have about how Invisalign works and we can even show you a digital rendering of what your teeth will look like when your treatment is finished. To schedule your free consultation, call our office today!